Sunday Service – 20th May 10.30am
This Sunday Bill Saunders will be preaching on a recurring theme in the NT of "All mankind" Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole World to enable His followers to be able and willing to live like Him…
Guest speakers at the church
This Sunday Bill Saunders will be preaching on a recurring theme in the NT of "All mankind" Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole World to enable His followers to be able and willing to live like Him…
This Sunday Wayne O'Leary from Tewkesbury will be preaching. Wayne will also share news of developments in the mission work of SGA (Slavic Gospel Association). Some remarkable things are happening. Come and hear. Refreshments are served after the service, so…
Peter Coggins from Woodgreen Evangelical Church, Worcester will be preaching this Sunday. Come and hear about Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead has to be one of the most important matters we must consider. Did He rise…
This Sunday Bill Saunders will be preaching. "Living in the shadows, loving in the light - how can this be?". Come and hear! We look forward to welcoming you. Refreshments are served after the service, so please stay if you…
This Sunday Peter Coggins will be preaching. What do you think of when you hear the word "church? The Bible describes the church as the bride of Christ? Find out what this means. Come and hear. Refreshments will be served…
This Sunday Bill Saunders will be preaching. When we think about Jesus, how do we see Him? As One who shows mercy and offers forgiveness? That is true of Jesus, absolutely true. And yet He is judge and to Him…
This week Peter Coggins from Woodgreen Evangelical Church will be speaking. He will be speaking on the question of " What exactly is the church?". People often think of church as a building or a denomination. Peter will be looking…
Bill Saunders will be speaking about what it means to love God. We hear much about the love God has for people but how do we love God? Come and hear more about this on Sunday. Tea, coffee and cakes…
This week Peter Coggins will be speaking from Romans Ch 5 verses 1-11 entitled “Finding favour with God.” We all find conflict uncomfortable. We want to be on the right side of people. But how can we be on the…
We have a guest speaker Bill Saunders who is with us next Sunday 14th May. His message will be from the book of Habakkuk with these 3 headings:- 1) Questing with Jesus 2) Questioning Jesus and 3) (Re)questing of Jesus…