Sunday Service – 20th May 10.30am
This Sunday Bill Saunders will be preaching on a recurring theme in the NT of "All mankind" Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole World to enable His followers to be able and willing to live like Him…
Join us each Sunday at 10.30 a.m.
This Sunday Bill Saunders will be preaching on a recurring theme in the NT of "All mankind" Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole World to enable His followers to be able and willing to live like Him…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching from Matthew chapter 13 verse 47ff. The title for the message is "The good, the bad and the ugly". What is the kingdom of heaven all about? What is meant by the good…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching on these words of Jesus recorded in Matthew chapter 13 verses 43 & 44 "...The kingdom of heaven is like a man who found treasure in a field and covered it up...". What…
This Sunday Bryan Conway will be preaching about the power of persuasive and persistent prayer. We warmly invite you to join with us and hear more of what the Bible says. If you are able to stay after the service…
This Sunday Wayne O'Leary from Tewkesbury will be preaching. Wayne will also share news of developments in the mission work of SGA (Slavic Gospel Association). Some remarkable things are happening. Come and hear. Refreshments are served after the service, so…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching on "The Sign of Jonah" of which Jesus spoke as recorded in Matthew chapter 12 verses 38 to 42. Do we need a sign today or has God already shown us the way…
This Sunday Pastor Steve Crossthwaite from Hollywood Christian Fellowship will be speaking. We look forward to welcoming you. Refreshments will be served after the service, so we hope you can stay and chat with us. Easter has passed but Jesus…
Peter Coggins from Woodgreen Evangelical Church, Worcester will be preaching this Sunday. Come and hear about Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead has to be one of the most important matters we must consider. Did He rise…
This Sunday our Pastor will be speaking from Jonah Chapter 4. Jonah the preacher stages a protest and in anger argues with God. Come and hear this remarkable account of how God in grace responds to Jonah's protest and perhaps…
Once again, unfortunately due to adverse weather conditions we feel it sensible to cancel this weeks service. Please join us next week 25th March at 1030AM.