Sunday Service 3rd September – 10.30am
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching.In the second letter to the church in Corinth Paul writes of "The God of all comfort and the father of mercies". Is there anyone who has not, does not now or will not…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching.In the second letter to the church in Corinth Paul writes of "The God of all comfort and the father of mercies". Is there anyone who has not, does not now or will not…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching. Genesis chapter 28 records the words of Jacob "Surely The Lord is in this place and I did not know". Who was Jacob? Where was he and why was he there? That he…
This Sunday Peter Coggins from Woodgreen Evangelical Church, Worcester will be preaching on the subject "We must obey God." The Bible passage is Acts 4:1-22. Last time, in our occasional series on the life of Peter, we saw how Peter…
You do not need to look hard to find yet another horrid scene of violence, riotous behaviour, rampant greed, betrayal and deceit. What does The Bible say about such things? Perhaps we find ourselves burning with anger at perpetrators of…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching on "Faith". We take a look at John chapter 3 verses 14 - 21 and in particular the well known verse 16 that "God so loved the world that He gave His only…
This Sunday Gordon Robbins,a Pastor at Welcome Hall Evangelical Church Catshill, will be preaching. " Jesus in the boat" is the title of his message based on the account of the storm on the lake recorded in Mark chapter 4…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching about praying for other people. In Ephesians chapter 6 the apostle Paul speaks about a battle and tells us that we have spiritual armour to help us "fight" so we are not overcome…
Monday 24th July....... Monday 7th August...... Monday 21st August..... All start at 11.00 am and finish by 12.30pm
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching from Ephesians chapter 6 where we read about "all prayer and supplication in The Spirit". This praying is set in the context of spiritual armour for spiritual warfare. What does this mean? How…
This Sunday Gille Bulteel a Pastor at Hollywood Christian Fellowship will be preaching. The story of Jesus and later Peter walking on water in Matthew 14: 22-33 is a fascinating and intriguing story. Peter being Peter blindly followed Jesus his…