Prayer Meetings March and April
Monday 28th March Monday 11th April Monday 25th April 11.00 until 12.30 Please contact our Pastor for details of venue
Monday 28th March Monday 11th April Monday 25th April 11.00 until 12.30 Please contact our Pastor for details of venue
This Sunday, Peter Coggins from Woodgreen Evangelical Church will be preaching on the subject of "The Prayer That's Never Answered." The Bible passage is Luke 5:4-11. Here we see the disciple Peter confronted with the power of Jesus. He makes…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching on "The journey of a converted man". We find mention of a man called Agur in Proverbs chapter 30 which gives insight into his change of view of life and of the world…
This Sunday Tom Davenport from Worcester will be preaching from the opening verses of the book of Titus. In these troubled times, it’s important we know what we’re living for and why we get out of bed in the morning…
Our next prayer meeting will be held on Monday 28th March, then Monday 11th April and Monday 25th April. The meetings start at 11.00 am and finish at 12.30pm. Please contact our Pastor for details of venue.
This Sunday Steve Crossthwaite, Pastor at Hollywood Christian Fellowship, will be preaching from John's first letter chapter 2 verses 1 and 2. We learn that Jesus as Saviour has done everything for us, and will do everything for us, but…
Astwood Bank group met 1st March and will meet next on Tuesday 5th April at 11.00am. Time 4U - Feckenham Thursday 3rd March 11.00am. Droitwich - Tuesday 8th March 7.30pm. Redditch - Thursday 24th March 7.30pm. Please phone our Pastor…
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching on "If I were a rich man ...". We will take a look at the Old Testament book of proverbs to shed light on how we should view what is best to have…
This Sunday we welcome Gille Bulteel, a Pastor from Hollywood Christian Fellowship, Birmingham. He will be preaching from 2 Samuel 23:8-39 and will explore what we can learn from those men to use in our own day to day living…
Our February prayer meetings will be held on Monday 14th and Monday 28th February at 11.00 am. Please phone our Pastor for details of venue.