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Sunday Service

Sunday Service – 17th September

This week our Pastor will be preaching. We will be considering a passage from 1 Timothy 4. Can anyone speak with indisputable authority? We will consider how The Bible should be our final authority to determine what is morally right,…

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Sunday Service – 10th September

This week our Pastor will be speaking on the theme "Dealing with death". Based on the passage in Genesis chapters 49 and 50 which record the death and funeral of Jacob, we will consider some important matters in regard to…

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Come Worship With Us

Sunday Service – 3rd September

This week Bryan Conway will be preaching. Bryan will be speaking on "A faith that holds up". The passage to which he will refer is Matthew ch15 vs 21-28. We will also hear from Andy Cox who has recently returned…

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Sunday Service

Sunday Service – 20th August

This week our Pastor will be speaking on "Can we really be forgiven?" The message is based on Genesis chapter 50. What is forgiveness? Does God forgive all wrongs? What happens if I receive this forgiveness? We look forward to…

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Sunday Service -13th August

This Sunday our Pastor will be speaking on "When God speaks, what does He say?". There are many messages given out daily clamouring to be heard, from advertising to zealots of one sort or another. But is there a God…

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Sunday Service

Sunday Service – 6 August

This Sunday Bryan will be preaching on "God's assurances in an unsure world". Come and hear this helpful and important message. We serve refreshments after the meeting so do stay if you can to talk with us. Listen to the…

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