The consequences of ‘losing’ your caravan could be very serious indeed. However there is something we can lose, with terrible consequences, and yet fail to acknowledge the real possibility, even probability of the loss. Jesus put it like this – he spoke of losing our soul. Many drive on through life in careless disregard in the matter of eternity – what happens when we die.
Many travel along life’s road in danger of losing their soul. Do we take no notice? Do we not consider? Many drive on through life in careless disregard to what happens we die – after death what then….? Many dismiss the issue of eternity and facing death when well off. We may be comfortable financially but when death comes we will leave all behind. Jesus said ‘What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul….? The expected reply is ‘ We have gained nothing, in fact we have lost everything.’ Our values were wrong, twisted, and distorted. Material gain had been our goal. We scored many times perhaps but lost in the ‘game’ of life.
There is too much to lose if we now turn away the offer of forgiveness of sins and eternal life through Jesus Christ. To lose the prospect of unending joy of being in heaven is to lose all. Forgiveness for our sins is our greatest need and eternal life is the greatest gift we can receive, but only through Jesus. We must turn to him. Otherwise, judgement and separation from God forever will be the consequence of losing your soul. How is it with your soul?
If you want to know more about Jesus Christ or want to talk about these matters further please contact our Pastor
Bill Finnimore on 0777 946 7079 or email