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What Happens When Jesus Walks into Our Life?
One day Jesus walked into the life of Peter and everything changed for him. His…
What Is God Like?
Our preacher this Sunday is Brian Cox. Throughout the ages men have asked: “What is…
Today’s World
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching from The Old Testament book of proverbs. The…
Where Is Jesus?
Do join us today as we consider the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…
Imitators of God
This Sunday Ben Howlett from Monyhull church is our guest speaker. The book of Ephesians…
The Prayer That’s Never Answered
This Sunday, Peter Coggins from Woodgreen Evangelical Church will be preaching on the subject of…
The Journey of a Converted Man
This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching on “The Journey of a Converted Man”. We…
The Greatest Motivation in the World
This Sunday Tom Davenport from Worcester will be preaching from the opening verses of the…