This Sunday our preacher will be Wayne O'Leary, Pastor at Wyche Evangelical Church. Refreshments will…
Sunday Service – 23rd January 10.30am
This Sunday Bill Saunders will be preaching, and the message is titled: Wise builders build God’s Way. This message follows on from his last message at RCC on 24 October 2021, “Building Back Better-the Bible Way”. The Lord Jesus Christ at the end of what is called the Sermon on the Mount [Matthew’s Gospel Ch.’s 5-7] summarises His teaching declaring its validity to all mankind. All are engaged in building their lives in some way or other. If we build on the Rock of Christ and His word we will enjoy Eternal life with God, now and forever. Build your life on anything else but Christ and His word and your life will fail and fall in time and Eternity. What do we need to know, and to do, to wisely work God’s Way? To build a life that proves to be rich with temporal and Eternal significance as God desires? Come and share with us and let us explore this vital topic together.
Refreshments will be served after the service so we hope you will be able to stay a while to chat with us.