This Sunday Peter Coggins from Woodgreen Evangelical Church Worcester will be preaching. Refreshments will be…

Sunday Service – 25th August 10.30am
Bill Saunders our guest preacher invites you to consider an important matter. All are Sowers-so what? We know as the Bible declares:-
“what we sow we will reap”, both in kind and in quantity. And since none of us can avoid being sowers, what kind of sowers are we, and what are we sowing and reaping in our lives? Thus far, are we satisfied with the harvest our lives are producing, or do we yearn for a different and better yield to be produced – and is that possible? God has shown the world His rich mercy and grace in Jesus Christ who as the consummate Sower is filling time and eternity with a glorious harvest of saved souls, sinners who have been undeservedly accepted and added to God’s family. So, what kind of sower does our Creator want you and me to be, and what would He have us sow? Please come and join us and discover the good news answers to these questions, for the best IS yet to come…..