This Sunday our Pastor will be preaching. In James' letter chapter 5 we are urged,…

Sunday Service – 26th May 10.30am
This Sunday our preacher will be Bill Saunders.
Keeping the first things first
A rare ability in life is to recognise the difference between the vital and the important, the good from the best, and to consistently choose in aiming to live out the best and the vital. Just prior to His Passion, death and Resurrection Jesus Christ went aside with His disciples to share what is called His Farewell Discourse – John Chapters 13-17. In this He sets out what is vital and best for them, and all other believers until He returns, to know and act upon. Of the several vital matters He addresses what might be considered the most important for us to know and act upon today? What difference would this make for us and others in time and eternity and can we know that it is so?
Listen to the sermon.