This Sunday our preacher will be Wayne O'Leary, Pastor at Wyche Evangelical Church. Refreshments will…
Sunday Service – 29th December 10.30am
Our preacher this Sunday will be Bill Saunders from Worcester.
New Year is another great opportunity to ensure that due to time and distance traveled we have not strayed from the vital issue of life even to merely important ones. So in AD 2020 we are able to re-calibrate what our vision is for our lives, i.e. where have I been, where am I, where am I and my loved ones going in the light of the fact that we are all Eternal beings?
In the light of the Lord Jesus Christ we can know and be assured of certainty about these things. The whole Bible is one sermon revealing how the HOLY God is willing and able to live with sinful human beings who embrace His plan of Redemption. To such He makes great and precious promises that He NEVER breaks – come and discover what these are so that you to can REJOICE always as well.
Listen to the sermon