This Sunday our preacher will be Wayne O'Leary, Pastor at Wyche Evangelical Church. Refreshments will…
Sunday Service – 7th January 10.30am
This Sunday Ollie Smith, one of our deacons, will be preaching from Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
The churches of Galatia have been troubled by false teachers, who have been telling them lies about the apostle Paul and preaching a false gospel. Paul writes to them urgently, pleading with them to come to their senses and reject the false teachers who are troubling them. In this sermon, we will be looking at the first nine verses of that letter in the Biblical book of Galatians. We will see that Paul’s true gospel message of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone is from God, not man. And we will see that severe judgement awaits those who twist and distort the gospel message.
Do join us if you are able or follow on line later.
Refreshments will be served after the service so we hope you will be able to stay a while to chat with us.